Fill in the blanks with Correct forms of the verbs (Present Continuous) video

प्रिय विद्यार्थियों

इस लेख में आप fill correct forms of verbs of Present Continuous tense से समबन्धित वीडियो देख पायेंगे जिसमे आप correct form of the verb को blank space में भरने के सभी नियमो को बिलकुल सरल तरीके से सीख सकेंगे|

इस टॉपिक को करने से पहले यदि आपने Present Continuous tense को अच्छे से समझ लिए है तो ये आपको इन प्रश्नों को हल करने में सहायता करेगा|

इस लेख के अंत में आपको कुछ appropriate verb fill in the blanks के कुछ examples भी दिए गए है , आप इन्हें जरूर पढ़ें|


Exercise for gap filling with Present Continuous Tense

   1.Listen! someone ……. at the door. (knock)

  1. Is knocking
  2. Are knocking
  3. Kock
  4. Kocked

   Correct answer –(a)

   2.I…………. computer these days. (learn)

  1. Learn
  2. Learns
  3. Is learning
  4. Am learning

   Correct answer –(d)

  3.She ………………. exercise now. (take)

  1. Takes
  2. Is taking
  3. Take
  4. Took

    Correct answer –(b)

    4.I ………………. football right now. (play)

  1. Play
  2. Am plyaing
  3. Plays
  4. Played

    Correct answer –(b)

   5.Don’t disturb me, I ………………. (study)

  1. Am studying
  2. Studying
  3. Study
  4. Have studied

   Correct answer –(a)

   6.My brother ………………a book at this time. (read)

  1. Read
  2. Reads
  3. Is reading
  4. Was reading

  Correct answer –(c)

   7.They …………………a road at this time. (build)

  1. Are building
  2. Build
  3. Have built
  4. Built

  Correct answer –(a)

   8.We ………………………. music on radio at this moment. (listen)

  1. Listen
  2. Listened
  3. Are listening
  4. Were listening

   Correct answer –(c)

   9.Look! the birds………………….in the sky. (fly)

  1. Fly
  2. Flying
  3. Are flying
  4. Flown

   Correct answer –(c)

  10.Towns ……………….into cities these days.(change)

  1. Is changing
  2. Are changing
  3. Changed
  4. Changing

   Correct answer –(b)



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